Mini Royale Gears Up in Season 4, Launches New RPG-Style Mechanics Powered by NFTs

Mini Royale Gears Up in Season 4, Launches New RPG-Style Mechanics Powered by NFTs

  • Leading Solana-based browser shooter Mini Royal: Nations has announced the release of its highly anticipated ‘Gear’ feature in the ongoing season
  • The new RPG-style mechanic will enable players to equip an NFT to another NFT, leveraging Faraway’s in-house NFT imprinting system. 

Mini Royale: Nations originally announced the Gear feature back in season 3. The feature will be the first time a web3 game allows players to merge in-game assets with the metadata of playable characters, boosting stats and functionality.

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Getting Closer to Traditional Games

The new feature will help players enhance their base progression stats. These are stats determined by factors such as season, collection, and more. Players can add boosts to their base progression stats by equipping gear based on the gear’s attributes. 

Starting today, players can unlock gear through fusion contracts, a feature accessible to players above level 44. Players can purchase gear from the Gear collection on leading NFT marketplace Magic Eden or via in-game minting. Players are required to be at least level 20 to mint gear and equip them. 

Here is a quick breakdown of what’s coming in the new feature:

  • Mini Royale Nations launches six types of gear: Rings, Necklaces, Watches, Bracelets, Perfume, and Belts
  • All gear will have one primary stat and up to three sub-stats, which will determine the boost progression of the hero it is equipped to. 
  • Depending on the type, each gear will have a predetermined primary stat. Necklace for Strength, Belt for Toughness, Perfume for Vitality, Bracelet for Agility or Strength, Ring for Intellect, and Watch for Luck. 
  • Gears come with Good or Evil alignments. Heroes whose meta alignment is good can equip Good, whereas Heroes with evil alignments can equip Evil gear.
  • If a Hero has a morally flexible metadata alignment, they can equip both Good and Evil gear simultaneously. 
  • In addition to their types, gears will come in varying rarities: Uncommon, Rare, Epic, or Legendary. The rarity of the gear will determine the intensity of the primary and sub-stats. The higher the rarity, the higher the stats. 
  • Select gear items will also have allegiance. If the gear has the same allegiances as the Hero it is equipped to, the primary stats of the gear will be boosted.
  • Gears are also subject to set bonuses. Equipping three types of equipment from the same set will provide a set bonus which will boost the hero’s overall power level.

It is important to note that while there is no fee to equip gears to Heroes or to swap gears of the same type, there is a fee to unequip a type of gear from a Hero depending on the gear rarity. 

The gear feature is part of Mini Royale’s larger initiative of allowing players to boost the overall power level of their heroes. Faraway is set on releasing new PvE modes and will leverage power levels. The new mechanic will reportedly play a crucial role in the upcoming modes and take the game in a new direction. 

On the Flipside

  • Some of the new features were planned for the previous season but reached the players only now. 

Why You Should Care

NFT imprinting is one of the most exciting features to come out in Web3 this year. Mini Royale Nations is set to change the course of Web3 gaming with its in-house system. When Web3 games compete with traditional games, they are comparatively limited in functionality. Features like NFT imprinting will close the innovation gap and make Web3 games more competitive. 


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