Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin Says He’s Most Bullish About the Introduction of Rollups in 2023

Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin Says He’s Most Bullish About the Introduction of Rollups in 2023

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, has shared that he’s most bullish about reaching “basic roll-up scaling” in 2023, marking the beginning of the Surge Phase to scale the network.

Buterin is Bullish About Rollups in 2023 

In responding to a question from former chief technology officer of Coinbase, Balaji Srinivasan, about what users were bullish for in 2023, Buterin highlights reaching the “basic rollup scaling” milestone on the Ethereum roadmap.

According to Buterin, this means rollups entering at least stage one and the launch of EIP-4884 — an update introducing “proto-danksharding” to enhance Layer-2 rollup scalability significantly. He tweeted;

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Phases of Rollups on the Ethereum Network 

The stages of rollup development were a reference to the three stages of the “trust model.” Stage Zero, or having “full training wheels,” means the technology has all the requirements to process transactions without the operator.

In Stage One, or “limited training wheels,” the technology would have a transaction verification method to accept or reject transactions allowed by the smart contract and overriding security council to oversee the process. 

In Stage Two, or “no training wheels,” there would be two distinct fraud provers, two distinct validity provers, or one of each. At this stage, rollups will support upgrades but must have a delay of more than 30 days.

On the Flipside

  • Buterin has previously noted that it will “take years of refinement and audits” until crypto users feel comfortable storing their assets on a rollup.

Why You Should Care

Buterin is bullish on rollups in 2023 as it would begin Ethereum’s journey into becoming a high throughput chain, processing up to 100,000 transactions per second.

Find out other things Buterin is excited about in:
Vitalik Buterin Shares His Five Things About Ethereum to Be Excited About

To know more about Buterin, read:
Vitalik Buterin: The Man Behind Ethereum

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